Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Greenhouse Effect

"If i knew then what i do now" Famous words that i have probably thought myself before.

It's June 1 tomorrow and 2008 is almost half over. What have YOU learned so far? Well for me...... This has been my first year out from under the "Sold Out" umbrella in a long while, and let me tell you the tests come when you step outside of the greenhouse (a fact any alumni will emphatically tell you).

But even though some things have been learned the hard way, i wouldn't trade any of it because of what i have learned. I am so grateful for God's grace and forgiveness that is always there. HE NEVER LEAVES! That's truly amazing. I am learning that if i let Him fight for me it makes my struggles shrink from their giant stature down to "you will soon crush satan underneath your feet!" That's a huge relief!

I know the things God has been teaching me this year will be invaluable to me (and others) in the not-so-distant future!
All in all Satan hates us, and will try his very best to take us out, but don't let him, stick with Jesus! He won't let you go! Take risks, who knows what you might discover

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